Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3 ®)

IC3 Gives You a Clear Advantage

If you're focusing on a future in computers, or any field that requires the use of computers, one certification can set you apart from the crowd.

The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3®) provides students and job-seekers with the foundation of knowledge they need to succeed in environments that require the use of computers and the Internet. The Global Standard 3 is an internationally recognized standard for digital literacy and reflects the most relevant skills needed in today's academic and business environments.

In an increasingly digital world, where virtually every field and function is impacted by computers, IC3 certification can help you refine your aptitude in the most important and valuable areas. What's more, IC3 helps teachers and instructors define their students' proficiency and marketable skills as they enter the workforce.

Benefits of IC3 Certification

It's a Difference Employers Can See Instantly

With IC3 Certification, you are instantly recognized as someone with the critical entry-level skills needed to effectively use the latest computer and Internet technology to achieve business objectives, expand productivity, improve profitability, and provide a competitive edge. You also get instant access to Certiport Authenticated Digital Transcript. This first-of-its-kind service let's you easily access your exam and certification status, and enables you to share this verified information with potential schools, employers, and staffing agencies.

The IC3 Certification comprises of three individual examinations:

Now Available: IC3 is now available for Windows 7 / Office 2010. More info.

Download IC3 2005 Standard Brochure

Download IC3 GS3 Brochure

Download IC3 GS4 Brochure

Benefits to Trainers

Based on the current thinking and best practices in technology education, the IC3 Certification program equips trainers with a proven, state-of-the-art program that offers several advantages, including:

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